It's Liz Dunoon here. I have put together a video to tell you about 

our new online educational program called 'The Ten Minute Tutor', 

which will be launching later this month.


Click on the link below to see the video which explains more about the program. 


Click Here To View The Video


Have a great day. I trust that all those Australian students that sat NAPLAN tests 

today did so with courage, considering the difficulties this may have created for them.


Warmest regards,


Liz Dunoon




If you prefer not to watch the video you can read the text below


Today I would like to talk to you about an educational program to help children catch up at school with their reading and spelling, whilst improving self-esteem and self-confidence.

So who am I?

If I have not had the pleasure of meeting you in person just yet, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am the author of the book – Helping Children With Dyslexia and three other books that help parents to teach their children to read, write, spell and do math from home. I am also the creator and manager of the free resource website – Helping Children With Dyslexia .com along with my husband Andrew. You are watching this video because you are a member of our website and it is lovely to have this opportunity to speak directly with you.

What do I do?

Many of you would know that I spend hours of my time researching education, intelligence, teaching practices and learning differences that can sometimes lead to intelligent children experiencing learning difficulties in a formal school environment.

So what have I discovered?

There are many intelligent children who learn differently who have fallen through the gaps of the current education system. According to research this is about 2 to 3 children in every classroom. Many of these children come home from school mentally exhausted, as their brains need to work much harder then a child who has learnt to read with relative ease. Struggling to learn and having trouble keeping up academically with their peers can also be extremely frustrating and this can affect, behaviour, confidence and self-esteem. Children love to be seen to be achieving and doing well. It is their intention to make their parents and teachers proud.

What do people tell me that they need?

Children and families need an educational program to fit in with their busy lifestyle. It has to cover any gaps in the student's learning or understanding and must move at a rapid pace to keep them engaged, whilst also allowing access to revision at any time in the future.

Children are born logical and tutoring programs need to be logical, systematic and engaging, whilst also being fast and effective so kids can get back to doing what it is they are good at. An area many fail to include is the importance of assisting children to rebuild their self-confidence and self-esteem.

If you could wave a magic wand and create a program that fulfilled the needs of your child or students what would you want it to include?

Well I have three children who all struggled to learn to read, write and spell and I have asked myself this same question many times over. Three years ago however, I started to put my thoughts into action and decided to create a video streamed tutoring program to meet the needs of kids who struggle with literacy.

The Ten Minute Tutor

This of course has culminated in my new tutoring program, 'The Ten Minute Tutor'. After listening to your needs and incorporating all the knowledge I have gained as a teacher and over the last 8 years to create 'Helping Children With Dyslexia', I made sure it ticked all the boxes. It is just 10 minutes per day of direct instruction, it uses a real teacher – me, it is video streamed and provides instant access to content, there is a worksheet/summary for every session, it teaches using a variety of sensory methods to cover all learning styles and it covers 7 main learning areas – phonics, words and spelling, punctuation and grammar, reading real books, singing real songs, life skills and inspirational interviews.

This video is just to let you know that The Ten Minute Tutor is almost ready. We are just finalising the details on the website ready for the launch later this month. We are putting together a very special offer just for member of Helping Children With dyslexia. Many of you have been my inspiration to create this program in the first place. I'm sure you know who you are. This offer will be for you, your family members and friends. So encourage others to become members of Helping Children With Dyslexia by sending them this video link so they too receive the pre release offer. I will let you know more once the exact release date is determined.

I will be back to you shortly to provide you with more information on how the program was developed. Until then have a great day and see you soon.

Warmest regards,

Liz Dunoon