How was the content for The Ten Minute Tutor Created?

The Ten Minute Tutor is a culmination of eight years of research to develop the content and the structure of each and every ten minute tutorial.

This research has included training to be a classroom teacher, teaching over a period of years in the state and independent education system and also parenting three children with learning difficulties. As part of this process I have studied numerous scientifically proven reading programs, tried many and interviewed literacy experts such as speech and language pathologists, occupational therapists, educational psychologists, behavioural optometrists, Irlen assessors, dyslexia assessors and learning support teachers on what works when teaching struggling learners and why.

I have attended many educational seminars both as an attendee and also as a presenter. I have also researched and written four books and many articles specifically on the topics of learning difficulties/disabilities and teaching children to read, write, spell and do math from home.

Most importantly I speak to many parents and teachers who are seeking help for a child, a teen or an individual who is struggling at school, to read or learn English where extra educational support is required. Many families and schools cannot afford specialised tutoring and tutors and if this describes your situation, this program is especially for you. It is my desire to provide you with an affordable and effective program to help others to learn and to gain confidence at school and in life.

Go back to the home page for cost and details on how to get started